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Customize submissions

This article explains how to customize submissions.

Updated over 11 months ago

The submission form is generally used to collect abstracts or papers to be presented at the event.

Go to Website Pages > Call for abstracts to access the submission form.

Edit the submission form

You can add any field you like to your form to collect all the necessary information. See the form management section for more information.

The mandatory first name, last name and email fields correspond to the submitter.

Submission specific fields

Title (mandatory)

This is the title of the submission. It is use for example on as the presentation's title on the event website where presentations are listed.


This is generally used to collect the list of authors or contributors. Submitters can add multiple authors, each with one or more affiliation.

At least one author needs to be selected as the presenter. This will underline the author in the list. The authors and their affiliation(s) are displayed under the title on the presentation page of your event website.

Abstract (mandatory)

This is used to collect the abstract. You can specify the maximum number of words and if you allow bold, italic or underlined text.

Poster (optional)

This field accepts image files (.jpg, .png, .gif) as well as PDFs. The poster file can be a maximum of 100 Mb. Participants can zoom in/out of the poster.

Figures (optional)

This field accepts multiple image files (.jpg, .png, .gif) of a maximum of 100 Mb each. Each figure can be accompanied by a title and a description and are displayed on the presentation's page.

Slides (optional)

This field accepts .ppt and .pptx files of Maximum 10 Mb. The 10Mb limit comes from the Microsoft Powerpoint reader that we embed to allow participants to browse the slides. If you would like to collect larger files, use a custom file upload field. Note that the latter won't display as a Powerpoint reader on your event website.

Video (optional)

This is a paid feature only. It allows to collect video files (.mp4 format) of a maximum of 1 Go each. It embeds a video player on the presentation's page on your event website.

How to collect track or topic information

A common question is to ask for which track(s) and/or topic(s) the submission is for. You can add a multiple choice (one answer) or a checkbox question, depending if you allow one or multiple answers

This will allow participants to filter presentations on your event website. Also it will allow you to assign submissions to specific reviewers.

Make registrations mandatory to submit

You can force participants to register before they submit. They need to use the same email address in the registration and submission forms.

To toggle on this option:

  1. Go to your submission form.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Toggle on Registration is mandatory before submitting.

Change the submission period

Go to your submission form and click Settings. Change the submission period and Save.

In the example below, participants can submit from Jan 1st 2024 midnight to April 1st 23:59.

Allow multiple submissions per submitter

Check this option in the configuration section to allow submitters to submit more than one submission under the same email address.

How to manage multiple deadlines

Some event have different deadlines. For example, submissions for oral presentations finish earlier than for posters.

Here's an example where we close submissions for oral earlier.

  1. Add a field asking for the presentation type (either a Multiple choice or Checkbox depending if you allow submitters to choose one or more presentation type). It will look like this.

  2. Edit the Oral option.

  3. In the side-panel, toggle on Availability period and enter a date under To. In the example below, the Oral presentation type option will be available up to March 1st at midnight.

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