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All CollectionsOrganizersPeer-review
Assign submissions to reviewers
Assign submissions to reviewers

This article explains how to assign submissions to reviewers

Updated over a month ago

In the organizer panel, go to Data > Submissions. Select the submissions you wish to assign using the checkboxes.

💡 Use filters to narrow down the list of submissions to those of a certain topic, if you want to assign them to reviewers specialized in that topic.

Then click Assign reviewers.

Select to which reviewers you'd like to assign the submissions, then click Next.

Select the method:

  1. Randomly distribute. This will randomly and evenly distribute submissions to the selected reviewers. Specify the number of reviews you expect for each submission.

  2. Manual. This will assign all the selected submissions to all the selected reviewers.

Select if you want to notify reviewers by email. The email will indicate to the reviewer how many submissions were assigned and contain a link to access the reviews.

💡 You can always notify reviewers at a later stage when all your assignations are done. To do so, go to Data > reviews and select all the reviews to send a mass email to all the reviewers.

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