By creating a bank account in your organization, it will allow you to easily connect your events to it in a few clicks, rather than having you to connect each event to the payment gateway manually.
Once a bank account is created, administrators of your organization will be able to connect each event directly to them. Event organizers who are not administrators can still see the bank accounts and request an event to be connected to it.
Create a Bank Account
Head to your Organization Dashboard from the user dropdown menu:
Under the Finances section, click on Bank Accounts, then on Add.
You will need to enter the following information about your Bank Account:
You will then be asked to pick what is your provider.
If you choose Stripe, click Go to Stripe and continue on their website.
If you choose Global Payments, you will have to enter your App ID and your App Key.
If you choose TouchNet, you will have to enter your TLing URL, Upay Site URL and uPay Site ID.
Lastly, if you choose Moneris, you will have to enter your Store ID, Api Token and Tokenization ID.
Once created, you will be able to see it under the Finances section then Bank Accounts.
Please keep in mind that you cannot delete a Payment Gateway once it is added. You would have to delete your Bank Account and start over.